Monday, June 16, 2008

Six Flags

Today we went to Six Flags. Me, Massa, Cailz, Juliegreen, Chris and Megan. Note to self: I need to come up with me-names for Chris and Megan. Anyway, so all of us together makes 3 girls and 3 boys. However, Massa has accused me of acting "worse than a four year old girl" for not wanting to get on a ride that he later deemed "a terrible experience". Now, in his defense, he did not pull that accusation out of his white imperial ass, but rather literally meant it after a woman in line turned around upon hearing of my refusal to join the ride and said, "my daughter is going on this ride and she's six. She went on it two years ago, when she was four!" She then snorted two lines of low-grade cocaine off her six year old daughter's ass. Okay, so she didn't, but still, what was the point of telling me that useless information? I should have responded, "my Muzza spat three children out of her womb and 25 years later she is still not as fat as half your ass." Unfortuately, Six Flags does not allow profanity. So I had to suppress my creativity and smile.

Can I speak for a moment about the tattoo situation in Missouri? Believe me when I tell you it is out. of. control. About 40% of the population at Six Flags today was tattooed (?) And I'm not just talking about a little crucifix with Jesus being tortured to death plastered on a bikini line. I am talking mega whopping life size crucifixes with Jesus being tortured to death from the back of the neck down to the promised land itself! About 3% of the tattoos I saw today had any artistic value whatsoever. Please people, stop it.

As a faithful reader of this blog since, well, since yesterday, you probably would like to be updated about my sleeping situation. Well, to make a long story short, the vicious cycle of - take drug that makes you sleep until you stop responding to drug then switch to new drug that makes you sleep until you stop responding and then switch to new... - continues. The first time I took my current sleeping pill, it made me sleepy for 24 hours. I would fall asleep anywhere, anytime. You are unaware of this because my job requires moving around minute amounts of materials from one vessel to another. If I were a construction worker operating a crane, well, you'd know of my sleeping med problems for sure. Anyway, I've reached the stage where the drug no longer allows me to fall asleep easily. I have to REALLY want to. Much to my annoyance, the built-in alarm clock seems to have begun working also. I wake at 7:30. This is becoming a problem. I think I need to go back to my doc...

Now for my final advice for today, re: Six Flags St. Louis: Don't go on any rollercoasters. I went on the Batman so you would not have to. It was horrifying and all I gained from this was a feeling of closeness to the Almighty for about 60 seconds. I think this is why all those Christian groups have so many Six Flags days. Also, the rest of my group went on that old wooden piece of shit with the fat lady and her six year old and came off looking like they'd walked in on Dick and Lynne Cheney sharing an intimate moment.

Sorry, I just vomited.

Okay, cleaned.

But now my sleeping med is taking over, so sorry to make this so awkward, but, uhm, bye!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

1 savior + 3 nails = 4given