Saturday, October 04, 2008

I am Getting Tired... of Joe Lieberman

This marathon posting session is wearing me out. But this is the price I must pay for not posting a single thing in three weeks. So on Thursday evening Wash U hosted the Vice Presidential debate, and I was lucky enough to be able to find myself on campus to stalk Joey B and Sarah P. We actually lucked out and chose a street to stand at where their motorcades passed on their way to the debate hall. This was a lucky choice because they have several routes available and at the very last minute the route is revealed to the local police manning the intersections, so no one could provide any information on where we should stand in order to see them. The entire operation was quite amazing. Biden stayed downtown, and by most guesses so did Palin. So to shuttle them from downtown to the campus, they shut down every freakin street - including sections of highway - declared a no-fly zone in the near environs,(so I was told by another bystander) and had a helicopter follow each of them from above every length of the way. I didn't see either one as they whisked by us because I was stupid and was too busy trying to capture the brewhaha on my camera, which only picked up flashing lights. YouTube capture mode my ASS. Megan, however, who was standing right beside me, saw them both. Biden waved. Palin didn't. Maybe it was my 5ft x 2.5ft "SHOW ME CHANGE" sign that upset her. Oh well.

The highlight of my evening came about an hour before that motorcade-viewing event when Joe Lieberman, shamed Senate D-Lister (and D don't stand for Democrat here buddy) walked in through the D-list entrance that students who won the lottery to attend were using to gain access to the debate hall. I got my very own chance to heckle him and heckle I did. "Joe! Come back to us!" I shouted. He turned around to face the handful of people standing around the area and looked at me. "Come back from the dark side. We miss you. Obama misses you. He wants you back. Come back Joe, come back from the dark side!"

And you know what he did? He didn't ignore me; instead he laughed quite heartily and waved. It was definitely one of my prouder moments. I could have simply booed or jeered. But Joe Lieberman, being the Judas that he is, must be so used to jeers. It would be like throwing water balloons at the ocean and hoping you could get it wet. What he is probably not used to is a good, heartfelt heckling. And he acknowledged me, rather than ignoring me.

I guess what I am trying to say is that I am pleased that 25 years ago Muzza chose life, because today I can say that because of that choice, I was able to heckle Joe Lieberman in person.

But really, that sort of thing is protected speech in this country. No cop - and there were many around - moved an inch while I did my dirty little deed. God Bless America fo sho, yo.

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