Saturday, October 04, 2008


Oh. My. Allah. I have not posted since September 12. This is completely unacceptable and I do apologize. However, at the moment I think I will make up for this lack of posting by unleashing a wave of verbal diarrhea (or as we spell it in the Queen's English diarrhoea) in successive posts until I get so tired, I pass out. So here goes.

I have not posted for nearly a month because Ramadhan has kept me busy. I was fasting all day, then going to the masjid on evenings for dinner and prayers, and then coming home and trying to drink as much water as I could before it was time to do it all over again. When you have to drink large amounts of water across small amounts of time during the night, all that really happens is that you drink, pee, drink and pee more. There's no time to blog. Alas, Ramadhan is over and now I am here again, reaching out to you, my sympathetic audience, for your love.

To be honest, I miss Ramadhan. I miss the routine, the masjid, the free dinner, the feeling closer to Allah. I even miss skipping breakfast in the morning. Today, I was in a hurry for work because I woke up around 10:00am, and I was on my way out when I realized, "damnit, I didn't have breakfast." I was so disappointed that I had not in fact eaten at 4:00am as I had become accustomed to, and was now forced to, by a matter of habit, to eat something before leaving the house. It is these little things that make me miss Ramadhan. That, and the fact that Allah is just a lot more benevolent during Ramadhan than say, during any other ordinary month like Shabaan. He said so Himself, no kidding.

Anyway, that's it for that. As promised, I must now write another post. Look up ^^^

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